Press article

HB Protective Wear donates 250.000 Euro

Sep 15, 2020

At the beginning of August 2020, Germany's leading protective clothing manufacturer HB Protective Wear began distributing the donations from the sale of mouth-nose masks to the individual recipients. The total sum of 250,000 euros will go to various charitable organisations and initiatives in Rhineland-Palatinate, thus benefiting as many institutions as possible.

So far, donation cheques totalling 55,000 euros have been handed over to very different organisations.  On its website, HB Protective Wear provides continuous information on how the money is used by the individual organisations.



HB Protective Wear started producing washable mouth-nose masks very early on in order to make a contribution quickly in the face of the supply shortage. While some places tried to capitalise on the urgently needed masks during this phase, HB used the high demand to support charities and donated a share of EUR 0.50 per mask from sales.



The Freunde der Kinderkrebshilfe Gieleroth e.V. (Friends of the Gieleroth Children's Cancer Aid Association) helps families with children suffering from cancer and serious illnesses to cope with their everyday lives - for example, by financing home care and renovation measures made necessary by the children's illness or organising travel and holidays. They also help in the worst of all cases by financing the funeral, for which young parents are never prepared. The amount donated by HB is distributed to various upcoming projects.


The Tafel in Neuwied, which belongs to the Caritasverband Rhein-Sieg e.V., is financed exclusively by donations. In the corona phase, it needs additional support, for example, for the purchase of food. The HB donation will be used for this purpose as well as for the purchase of an urgently needed second food transporter.


The Förderverein für Palliativ- und Hospizarbeit Rhein-Wied e.V. supports outpatient and inpatient palliative care and hospice care for the dying, as well as an inpatient hospice in the Rhein-Wied region, so that holistic care is also possible in rural areas. The money donated by HB goes to support measures for the establishment of a hospice, to promote training and further education of helpers in palliative and hospice work and to public relations work.


The Neuwied women's emergency hotline TROTZDEM LICHTBLICK is an essential support for many people, especially in times of pandemics. In addition to the emergency telephone and the accompanied discussion group for adult female victims of sexual abuse, the association also offers information events on the topic of sexual abuse.


The Neuwieder Hospiz e.V. also supports dying people and their relatives. It offers empowerment and training courses as well as team supervision for volunteers and contributes to making dying and death no longer taboo through lectures and press work. Recently, he has also started supporting grieving children and helping them to cope with the emotional exceptional situation. The HB donation benefits the children's group and thus the care of the little ones.

The Förderverein der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Oberbieber supports families in their upbringing and looks after about 180 girls and boys from pre-school age to adulthood in six residential groups, five family groups and six day groups. In addition, assisted living, outpatient family support as well as admissions for diagnosis and in-custody care are offered. HB's donation will be used to purchase new playground equipment.


The old people's and nursing home "St. Vinzenzhaus" in Gebhardshain was hit hard by the Corona pandemic as a result of infections, illnesses and deaths and can really use all the help it can get. All the greater was the joy at the unexpected HB donation, which will now enable the home's support association to finally replace the ten-year-old van, which is suitable for the disabled, before the end of this year.


The "Little Hearts Westerwald" help children with a congenital heart defect and support parents and relatives: through membership fees, donations and events, they raise funds for operations and treatments. In addition, they promote research, teaching and medical care in paediatric cardiology and cardiac surgery. They act as contact partners and advisors, are listeners, crisis companions, problem solvers and mediators. The amount donated by HB will be used for a new kitchen in the paediatric cardiac ward of Gießen University Hospital, which parents and children share.

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